On April 7, the qualifying for the Okayama GT 300km, Round 2 of the 2007 AUTOBACS SUPER GT, took place at the Okayama International Circuit (one lap 3.703 km) in Okayama Pref. In the GT500 class, the No. 18 TAKATA DOME NSX driven by Ryo Michigami won the pole position, while in the No. 2 Privée KENZO Asset Shiden driven by Hiroki Katoh became top qualifier in the GT300 class.

Qualifying #1 Weather:Cloudy | Course:Dry/Wet
Qualifying #2 Weather:Cloudy | Course:Dry
SUPER LAP Weather:Cloudy | Course:Dry

Qualifying Session One

The first official qualifying session began at 10:25. The skies were cloudy and the temperature was 12 degrees C., with a track surface temperature of 15 degrees C.

The first 20 minutes were for the GT300 class. The first to post a leading time was the No. 88 AKTIO MURCIE RG-1 (Marco Apicella) at 1 min. 30.799 sec. After that, the No. 62 WILLCOM ADVAN VEMAC408R (Haruki Kurosawa) took the lead with a 1 min. 30.553 sec. Then No.13 ENDLESS ADVAN SENZAIKAKUMEI Z (Masami Kageyama) ran 1 min. 30.540 sec. to claim the fastest time in the session.

The next 20 minutes were for the GT500 class. The fastest teams from the previous day began their serious timed laps with 10 minutes remaining in the session. The first leader was the No.8 ARTA NSX with a 1 min. 23.048 sec. time, and this was followed by the No.1 HOUZAN TOM'S SC430 (Andre Lotterer) , the No.100 RAYBRIG NSX (Dominik Schwager) , the No.32 EPSON NSX (Loic Duval) and the No.38 ZENT CERUMO SC430 (Yuji Tachikawa) all running times in the 1 min. 23 sec. range. Then the No.8 raised the bar on the next lap with a 1 min. 22.753 sec. time. The session ended with the No.18 TAKATA DOME NSX (Ryo Michigami) running a 1 min. 23.065 sec. time and the No.17 REAL NSX (Toshihiro Kaneishi) running a 1 min. 23.071 sec. time to claim 2nd and 3rd positions.

The last 20 minute session was mainly for the other rider on each team in both classes to get a time under the qualifying standard, and it also gave the teams that had not qualified in the top ten to make another try to qualify for the Super Lap with a second set of tires. As light rain began to fall in this session, the No.43 ARTA Garaiya (Shinichi Takagi) team managed to run a time that qualified them 7th and gave them a spot in the Super Lap.

In its first appearance, the No.33 HANKOOK NSC PORSCHE qualified 18th in the GT300 class. Elsewhere, the No.66 triple a GALLARDO RG3, which was unable to get a qualifying time, and the No.67 triple a GALLARDO RG3, which was forced to take measures to strengthen its fuel tank, both had to wait for the second qualifying session to try to get a qualifying time. Also, the No.83 YOKOYAMA ADVAN UEMATSU 320R, which had suffered serious damage in the previous day's practice was forced to withdraw its entry from this round.

No.2 Privée KENZO Asset Shiden
Qualifying Session Two

The second qualifying session began at 14:30. At the start of the session the temperature had risen to 14 degrees C. and the track surface temp. to 19 degrees C. The GT300 class ran first, followed by the GT500 class. After this the top ten qualifiers from the morning session ran the Super Lap. In the mixed class time the No.66 triple a GALLARDO RG3 managed to clear the qualifying time it had failed to clear in the morning session, but the No.67 triple a GALLARDO RG3, although it was able to run timed laps, was unable to get a qualifying time.

The Super Lap began with the GT300 class. The fourth runner, No.43 ARTA Garaiya (Shinichi Takagi) managed to better its morning session time and take the lead with a 1 min. 30 sec. time despite having already used two sets of new tires. But the next two runners, the No.101 TOY STORY Racing apr MR-S (Kazuya Oshima) and the No.2 Privée KENZO Asset Shiden (Hiroki Katoh) both bettered that by improving on their morning session times, with No.101 at 1 min. 30.631 sec. and No.2 at 1 min. 30.401 sec. After this the other machines were expected to better their morning times as well, but none of the top four from the morning session were able to run faster times in the Super Lap. The No.62 WILLCOM ADVAN VEMAC408R (Haruki Kurosawa) was able to qualify 3rd, but the morning's fastest qualifier, the No.13 ENDLESS ADVAN SENZAIKAKUMEI Z (Masami Kageyama) fell to 5th position.
As a result, the class pole position went to the No.2 Privée KENZO Asset Shiden and the No.101 TOY STORY Racing apr MR-S qualified second, which meant that the 2nd and 3rd finishers in round one claimed the first row grip positions for round two.

In the GT500 class Super Lap, the third runner No.23 XANAVI NISMO Z (Satoshi Motoyama) wasn't able to get out on the track during the designated time, and although it did make a timed lap, it was ruled that the team would have to start at the very back of the top ten.
The early runners ran times that brought no particular changes in the order until the final four machines that had been the top qualifiers from the morning session. The morning's 4th fastest qualifier, the No.1 HOUZAN TOM'S SC430 (Andre Lotterer) ran a 1 min. 23.294 sec. time that was close to it's first session time. But the morning's third fastest qualifier, the No.17 REAL NSX (Toshihiro Kaneishi) fell far behind and dropped several positions. That left the two other NSX machines to make their runs. The first to run was the No.18 TAKATA DOME NSX (Ryo Michigami) , who bettered his morning time with a 1 min. 22.881 sec. lap, even though he felt it was not his best effort. But the No.8 ARTA NSX (Ralph Firman) was unable to get his tires warmed up sufficiently before his Super Lap and could only run a slower 1 min. 23.183 sec. lap. leaving the pole position to No. 18.

This result gave the No.18 TAKATA DOME NSX its second consecutive pole position in the Okayama round (round two of the series). The second place qualifier was the No.8 ARTA NSX and the third place went to last year's champion, the No.1 HOUZAN TOM'S SC430. Following the 4th-place qualifying No.32 EPSON NSX and 5th position No.100 RAYBRIG NSX, the No.22 MOTUL AUTECH Z led the Fairlady Z machines in 6th position.


GT500 Class | Pole Position


Ryo Michigami
In the morning session the tires weren't warmed up very well and I also ran into interference from a slower machine. The front tires don't warm up easily on the NSX, so before the afternoon Super Lap I made a point to warm up the front tires enough. In the warm-up lap before my Super Lap run I was able to break the 1 min. 25 sec. barrier while the other machines were still running in the 25 second range, so I knew I had a chance to dip under 23 seconds in my Super lap. On the last corner of my Super Lap run I made a small mistake. If it weren't for that, I think I could have gotten a slightly better time. Okayama is a good course for both the NSX and for the way I drive. I came into this qualifying with the confidence that I could take the pole position and that is what happened. So, I am pleased. I want to go out and win tomorrow's race even more decisively than last year. The only concern I have is the gear trouble we had on Friday, which kept me from running the race completely as I envisioned. Honda has come out and worked on the engine trouble the NSX had in the opening round, so there is not worry in that area.
GT300 Class | Pole Position

No.2 Privée KENZO Asset Shiden

Hiroki Katoh
We had the fastest time on Friday but I was feeling that something wasn't right. So we changed some settings before the morning qualifying, but it wasn't good either. We made some more changes before the afternoon session, but it still wasn't good. After I finished my Super Lap I heard over the radio that Masami (Kageyama, No.13) was moving ahead of me. But it ended up that I got the pole position. Somehow I am not really satisfied, however. Well, I guess you could say that I am half pleased and half frustrated. I just want to go out and win now. Even if it is because of the other machine's mistakes or if it is because we are just decisively faster, I just want to win. That is how badly I want this win, and that is all I am aiming for.