The SUPER GT INTERNATIONAL SERIES MALAYSIA race, Round 4 of the 2007 AUTOBACS SUPER GT, took place at the Sepang International Circuit (lap = 5.542 km) in Malaysia on June 24. In the GT500 class, the WOODONE ADVAN Clarion Z driven by the pair of Joao Paulo Lima De Oliveira and Seiji Ara worked its way up from a 14th position start to grad an amazing come-from-behind victory as the other team struggled with tire management problems. For KONDO RACING, this was their first victory in their second year of GT competition. Meanwhile, in the GT300class, the No.101 apr MR-S (Kazuya Oshima / Hiroaki Ishiura) won their second round of the season.

Race Weather:Fine | Course:Dry

GT500 Class

The race started at just after 16:00 in the afternoon. Before the start, a Japan-Malaysia friendship ceremony was held, with a parade of children from the two countries holding hands and an exchange of national flags by Japanese Ambassador to Malaysia, and the Chairman of Malaysian Motorsports Commission. The sky clouded over in the afternoon and the weather report spoke of a chance of rain. But, in the end, the clouds passed and the race was run under the hot tropical sun. The air temperature at the start was 34 degree C. and the track surface temp. had risen to 48 degree C.
The Ambassador and Chairman waved the national flags to start the formation lap, soon after which the first big upset of the race occurred, as the pole position sitter No.18 TAKATA DOME NSX(Takashi Kogure) suddenly slowed down and was forced to pull off the track and stop with a drive train problem. With this the pole sitter would not even start the race.
Meanwhile, the 2nd position No. 8 ARTA NSX (Ralph Firman) and the machines behind him all were able to start the race successfully. No.8 led at the end of lap one with the No. 1 houzan TOM'S SC430 (Andre Lotterer) and the No. 12 CALSONIC IMPUL Z (Benoit Treluyer) in tow. Behind them the No. 100 RAYBRIG NSX (Dominik Schwager) had moved up in the pack. The judges decided however, that Schwager had passed another machine before crossing the control line and gave him a drive-through penalty. Meanwhile, the No.32 EPSON NSX (Loic Duval) suffered a punctured tire apparently in contact with another car. This caused Duval to spin out and then return for an emergency pit stop.
By lap 10, the early leader, No. 8, had dropped to 3rd position. No.1 was now in the lead with No. 12 in 2nd. On the first curve of lap 13, Treluyer in No. 12slipped past Lotterer in No.1 to reverse their positions. Behind them, the No. 22 MOTUL AUTECH Z (Michael Krumm) over-ran the course while trying to pass the No. 23 XANAVI NISMO Z(Richard Lyons) on lap 13. Taking advantage of this, No. 24 WOODONE ADVAN Clarion Z (Joao Paulo Lima De Oliveira) managed to pass both machines, setting up a fierce battle between the Fairlady Z machines.
After being passed, No. 23 made an early pit stop on lap 14. Tire wear was occurring faster than expected and the car could no longer maintain steady lap times on its initial set of tires. After that, No. 38 made its pit stop on lap 16, and No. 1 and No. 6 Forum Eng. SC430 (Tatsuya Kataoka) made theirs on lap 17. All these teams changed tires without changing drivers. This revealed the fact that the leading teams had switched to a 2-pit stop strategy, needing a second spot to change drivers later. Meanwhile, No. 12 also made a pit stop on lap 17 and returned to the track having changed both tires and drivers (Treluyer > Kazuki Hoshino).
This gave the No. 3 Yellow Hat YMS MobaHO! TOMICA Z (Sebastien Philippe) the lead, with No. 24 in 2nd and No. 22 in 3rd position, which gave the Fairlady Z machines a 1-2-3 lead. The previous leader, No. 8 had meanwhile slipped to 6th position, apparently for lack of tire grip.
On lap 19, No. 24 passed No. 3 and continued to pick up the pace and lead the trailers behind. After lap 20, the teams sticking to a single-pit strategy began to make their pit stops. No. 22 pulled in for its pit stop on lap 25. It returned to the race having changed tires and drivers(Krumm > Tsugio Matsuda). On lap No. 3 pulled in to the pit and also changed tires and drivers (Philippe > Masataka Yanagida).

The leader, No. 24, held on until lap 32 before making its pit stop. At this point it had a 40-second lead over the 2nd-place machine, giving it plenty of time to changed tires, add fuel and change drivers(De Oliveira > Seiji Ara). This took 37 seconds and returned Ara to the track in a tentative 4th position. Ahead of Ara at this point were No. 38, No. 12, and No. 6, but all three of these machines still had to make another pit top. This meant that No. 24 was effectively in the lead. When the three leaders had finished their pit stops, the lap chart showed No. 24 as the leader.
At this point No.3 sat in 2nd position and No. 22 in 3rd, giving the Fairlady Z machines a 1-2-3 lead again. But, moving up behind them was No. 100 (Dominik Schwager > Shinya Hosokawa). On the next lap, No. 100 drove past No.22 into 3rd position. On the following lap it moved again to pass No.3. After lap 40, No. 22's tire grip had deteriorated and it began to lose ground rapidly. As a result, No. 22 was forced to make another pit stop to change tires with 10 laps remaining in the race. This allowed the No. 25 ECLIPSE ADVAN SC430 (Manabu Orido > Takeshi Tsuchiya) to move into 4th position, still running on a single-pit strategy. That would only last until the 48th lap, however, where it was passed by No. 12, which had moved up at a rapid pace after changing drivers back from Hoshino to Treluyer. No. 8(Firman > Daisuke Ito) tried to follow suit but was blocked by Tsuchiya in No.25.
While all this was happening, No. 24 continued to run steady laps in the lead. No. 100 in 2nd position did its best to narrow the gap, but with little success. On the other hand, Yanagida in No.3 had an empty drink bottle and was weakening fast in the Malaysian heat. On lap 51, Yanagida allowed No. 12 to get past.
The checkered flag began to wave at the end of lap 54. The No.24 WOODONE ADVAN Clarion Z had brought the KONDO RACING team their first SUPER GT victory since entering the GT arena last year. It was also the first win for an ADVAN tire machine since the 2005 opening round at Okayama. It was Joao Paulo Lima De Oliveira's first SUPER GT win also. And, for Seiji Ara it was his second GT win, following a win at the 2004 round two at Sugo. Finishing 2nd was the No.100 RAYBRIG NSX (Dominik Schwager > Shinya Hosokawa). There was some disappointment to this 2nd place, however, due to the jumped start penalty. The 3rd place and remaining podium spot went to the No.12 CALSONIC IMPUL Z (Benoit Treluyer / Kazuki Hoshino).
Behind the top three, a dehydrated Yanagida in No.3 had been trying to hang on to 4th place until he ran off into the dirt at one point, causing No. 8 to spin out too. This moved the No. 38 ZENT CERUMO SC430(Yuji Tachikawa / Toranosuke Takagi) into 4th place. No. 25 finished 5th, No. 8 came in 6th and No. 3was 7th.

GT300 Class

ARTA Garaiya loses it in a course-out
No. 101 apr MR-S struggles to second win of the season!

No.4 EBBRO 350R
In the early stages of the GT300 race, the pole starter, No.101 apr MR-S (Tatsuya Oshima) raced into the lead followed by the No. 43 ARTA Garaiya (Morio Niita). Behind them, the No. 4 EBBRO 350R (Tatsuya Tanaka) had jumped up from 7th position on the grid to 4th position. No. 43 passed No. 101 on the last corner of lap seven, only to have its rear tires that were sliding on the next lap suddenly recover their grip and send the machine off the track. The bad luck continued as it hit a bump off-track that bounced the machine into the air and smashing into the guardrail. Considerable damage was sustained in the car's nose, and after returning to the pit it was found to be unfixable in time to return to the race.
With this, No. 4 moved into 2nd position, and on lap 14 it went on to passed No. 101, which had lost much of its tire grip. No. 101 had chosen softer tires and it appeared that they lost their grip much sooner than expected. This led No. 101 to the decision to make a pit stop and tire change earlier than the other machines in its class on lap 22. With a set of harder tires, and switching drivers to Ishiura, No. 101 returned to the race. The top-running No. 4 made its pit stop on lap 26 and changed drivers from Tanaka to Shinsuke Yamazaki. While this was happening, No. 101 took over the lead. After that, the No. 2 I.M. JIHAN CO. LTD APPLE Shinden (Hiroki Katoh > Kazuho Takahashi) made its pit stop on lap 33, thus completing the pit stops for all the leading machines. At this point No. 101 was in the lead again, with No. 4 in 2nd and No. 2 in 3rd position.

No.46 Housan DUNLOP Z
Behind the leader, a battle developed between the Fairlady Z machines No. 46 houzan DUNLOP Z (Kota Sasaki > Naoki Yokomizo), No. 47 houzan DUNLOP Z (Shogo Mitsuyama > Shigekazu Wakisaka) and No. 13 ENDLESS ADVAN SENZAIKAKUMEI Z (Masami Kageyama > Tomonobu Fujii), from which it was eventually No. 46 that was able to break loose. Later on, No. 2 lost position when its right-side door came open. This enabled No. 46 to move into 3rd position.
There were no changes in the order of the top three after that, leaving the No. 101 apr MR-S to claim the victory. The No. 4 EBBRO 350R took 2nd and the No. 46 houzan DUNLOP Z finished 3rd.
For No. 101, this was its second win of the 2007 season, following the win at round 2, Okayama, and its fourth straight podium finish since the season opener. This naturally puts the team far ahead of the competition in the season ranking.


S.Ara, J.P.L. De Oliveira, K.Ohshima, H.Ishiura
GT500 Class | Winner

No. 24 WOODONE ADVAN Clarion Z

Joao Paulo Lima De Oliveira
The biggest reason for this win is that we were able to run at a steady pace. We knew that this heat would make it tough and the damage to the tires would be great, so I ran with a consciousness of the tires all the way. I ran safe at first and then pushed it harder for about the last ten laps before our pit stop. The team had put together a good strategy and our choice of tires was good. Yokohama Tire prepared us some excellent tires for this Sepang circuit. Everything when well and I believe that is why we won today.
Seiji Ara
This is my first win since 2004, and it has been a long time. Last year, when we first teamed with KONDO RACING, our best finish was a 3rd. This year the whole team, Yokohama Tire and everyone worked hard together with the aim of getting a win like this, so I am really happy. I am proud of the win I got at the Le Mans 24 Hours, but today's victory is a wonderful achievement in itself that I can't begin to compare with anything else.
We were able to win today, but last round it was the Nizmo Z hat won, and I think this shows just how strong the Z machine is in races. The performance of the tires was also outstanding. I am grateful for all this. We were able to take these great tools and manage them well. And I have to say that JP's [Oliviera's] driving was fantastic. We were able to win in these tough conditions because we were aware of each other's performance. In the remainder of the season this experience is sure to be a strength for us
GT300 Class | Winner

No. 101 apr MR-S

Kazuya Oshima
We chose to use softer tires but they didn't work well when the track surface got hotter than expected. I drove with consciousness of the tires in the early stages, so they get a fair amount of grip. But Garaiya (No. 43) had medium tires and they didn't lose grip as the race proceeded, and rather than trying to block it, I let it go by me. I continued to drive with care for the tires but they got worse than expected. That is when No. 4 passed me. Knowing that it would be hard to maintain position after that, so we opted for an early pit stop. As it turned out, the crew's pit work was so fast that we were able to get back on the track in front of No. 4.
Originally the plan was for me and Ishiura-san to each drive half of the race, but this stop made him have to drive 30 laps. I'm grateful to him for the job he did.
Hiroaki Ishiura
I didn't know where No. 4 was when I got out on the track after our pit stop, so I was pushing hard for a while, thinking it was in front of me. Thanks to the team's outstanding pit work and the good fuel economy of this engine, our pit time was faster than theirs and I was actually out in front of No. 4 without knowing it. After that we had a margin of between 7 and 10 seconds.When I found out that I was running faster laps than No. 4, except the time when I missed my line and ran off the track while being passed by the GT500 machines, I knew that we could make it. For my stint we had changed to tires with a wide temperature tolerance range that Michelin had prepared for us, so I had no tire-grip trouble at all and was able to run steady to the end. That is the reason for our win today